Epic: Days of the Dinosaurs
Genre: animated, adventure
Original Release: Yoram Gross, Australia, 1983
Re-Released: May 5, 1993 by f.h.e.
Runtime: 75 minutes
Cast: John Huston (narrator)
I just really have to mention this. I went to a garage sale a couple weeks ago, and bought the animated Rikki Tikki Tavi (about the mongoose and the cobra), Eliminators (cyborgs, ninjas, ghosts, guides, barfights, evil scientists and starring Tasha Yar, Denise Crosby, from ST:TNG, oh my!) and yes, Epic. I paid about two bucks for all three VHS tapes (I love garage sales).
Genre: animated, adventure
Original Release: Yoram Gross, Australia, 1983
Re-Released: May 5, 1993 by f.h.e.
Runtime: 75 minutes
Cast: John Huston (narrator)
I just really have to mention this. I went to a garage sale a couple weeks ago, and bought the animated Rikki Tikki Tavi (about the mongoose and the cobra), Eliminators (cyborgs, ninjas, ghosts, guides, barfights, evil scientists and starring Tasha Yar, Denise Crosby, from ST:TNG, oh my!) and yes, Epic. I paid about two bucks for all three VHS tapes (I love garage sales).